LCT GHK AK105 BK 블로우백 가스건(Exterior Steel Version(2013)

LCT GHK AK105 BK 블로우백 가스건(Exterior Steel Version(2013)

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상품명 LCT GHK AK105 BK 블로우백 가스건(Exterior Steel Version(2013)
제조사 LCT
판매가 880,000원 재입고 알림 SMS
적립금 8,800원
수량 수량증가수량감소
관련상품수 10


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LCT GHK AK105 BK 블로우백 가스건(Exterior Steel Version(2013) 수량증가 수량감소 880000  8800.00
TOTAL 0 (0개)

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    LCT GHK AK105 GBBR Exterior Steel Version(2013)


    경찰청 산하 기관인 총포협회에서 모의총포 아님 판정을 받았으며, KC에서 안전인증을 합격한 정품입니다.

    LCT Butt Pad와 Guarder AK Side Mount를 장착해본 이미지 입니다.

    LCT Butt Pad와 Guarder AK Side Mount를 장착해본 이미지 입니다.

    개머리판이 접히기 때문에 CQB전에서 매우 유리할 수 있습니다.

    권총손잡이가 Real Size라는 것이 큰 장점입니다.




    제원 :

    홉업 - 가변식

    무게 - 3.192kg

    길이 - 830mm

    장탄수 - 50발

    2012 version with adjustable hop up system!

    This particular GHK AK GBB is made completely out of metal, with FRP handguards. The ABS grip are properly sized pistol grips, which feel comfortable to hold. The overall feel of the GHK AKs are great, with a nice crisp blowback feeling; The nice clear "clack" every time you rack the bolt, or the "clink" sounds as you pull the trigger is absolutely sublime!

    Field stripping is just like the real steel, what's even cooler is that you could even fire the GHK with its upper receiver cover removed. This particular model is the sleek black AK 105; it features a folding full length solid stock, which clips on very securely to the left. If you want a new GBB rifle that doesn't conform to the Armalite series, we at RedWolf Airsoft Highly Recommend the GHK AK series!

    Length (Extended): 833mm
    Length (Folded): 593mm



    탄창은 가스가 완전히 비워진 상태 기준으로 5~7초만 넣으면 아주 효율이 좋습니다. 오히려 너무 많이 넣을 필요가 없습니다.

    비비립을 혹시 가공하고 싶을시 권장사이즈 입니다.


    ***LCT Butt Pad를 장착해보기


    사실 그냥 끼우는 방식이라서 장착은 쉽습니다.

    엠보싱 고무처리되어있어 촉감이 매우 좋습니다.

    미끄러지지 않기때문에 오래 견착하고 있어도 힘들지 않습니다.

    ***Real Gun Story.

    Assault rifle AK-105 was developed to change AKS-74U small size assault rifle. It is built on well recommended Kalashikov's assault rifles scheme, that inherited all the best qualities threw more than 50 years during AK assault rifle families modernization.

    AK-105 is intended to use by secondary units such as supply, communication, tanks and artillery crews, staff personnel. It's predecessor was successfully used by Russian Federation ministry of internal affairs special forces in anti-terrorist, criminal arrest or other operations which required ordinary assault rifle with a smaller dimensions. AK-105 is suitable to be used by anti-terrorist special forces or airborne troops.

    Rifle's automatic works on gas returning principle, threw a holes in the barrels channel walls. Rifle executes single or automatic fire. Reloading handle is placed from the right side. It is built in one part with a loAK-105 with folded butt stockck frame. Safety-lock is a fire mode changer at the same time. It has three positions: safety-lock, automatic fire, and single fire. Safety-lock blocks barrel lock and prevents weapons reloading. Furthermore when it is turned on, reloading handle, pulled to it's backward position allows to check if cartridge is inserted in the barrel without reloading rifle.

    Weapon can be partially dismounted in a minute. Kalashnikv's construction weapons are easy in use and maintenance in case of measured and accurate construction. Soldiers all over the world prefer this easy construction of it's absolute reliability. Kalashnikov's weapon's usually don't misfire in any situations even fully immersed in mud or under the water. Chromed barrel make it available to use even in extremely low temperatures.

    In AK-105 modification shock-proof plastic has changed all laminated wood parts, used with AKS-74U assault rifle. New black color plastic has better weight and tightness characteristics. It cannot be affected by biological vermins and doesn't loose it's features even after a long storage. Assault rifle's curved box 30 rounds magazine is made from plastic, reinforced by fiberglass.

    AK-105 has plastic folding butt stock. Last mentioned has a number of advantages comparing with metal frame butt stocks used with AKS-74U. Firstly it has even lighter weight then metal-one. Secondly it cannot be deformed in case of falling or hitting tight surfaces, what sometimes happened with earlier used metal frame butt stocks. Thirdly it has additional field toolkit placed inside. Furthermore new plastic stock is easier to use: it doesn't clings with equipment or uniform.

    Assault rifle has opened 500 m range sight, with gradation on every 100 m. Muzzle sight is built-in gas chamber. Rifle has also ability to be used with optical or a night sight.

    AK-105 can be used with 40-mm underbarrel grenade launcher or knife-bayonet. Last mentioned is completed with the rifle. AK-105 has new, more effective flame-hider which lowers rifles tossing after each shot. Standard flame-hider can be replaced with onetime PBS sound suppressor, serving for about 30 shots. The muzzle of either weapon fits into the swiveling firing points of the standard Russian armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles. Thus, the infantryman can fire the weapon while the vehicle is moving.

    During producer's tests AK-105 assault rifle showed really high reliability characteristics. Assault rifles stayed 10 000 - 15 000 shots and fire have been ending in case of fully weared-off barrel. There were no other mechanism failures threw all the test time. Rifle automatic after 10 000 - 15 000 shots remained ready to use.

    Caliber 5.45 mm
    Cartridge 5.45 x 39 mm
    Dimensions and weight
    Total weight (with empty magazine) 3000 g
    Overall length 824 mm
    Length with folded butt-stock 586 mm
    Barrel length 314 mm
    Fire characteristics
    Bullet initial speed 840 m/s
    Rate of fire 600 rpm
    Practical rate of fire 40 - 100 rpm
    Magazine capacity 30 cartridges
    Sighting range 500 m


    • 배송 방법 : 택배
    • 배송 지역 : 전국지역
    • 배송 비용 : 3,000원
    • 배송 기간 : 2일 ~ 7일
    • - 도서 산간 지역은은 별도의 추가금액을 지불하셔야 하는 경우가 있습니다.
      고객님께서 주문하신 상품은 입금 확인후 배송해 드립니다. 다만, 상품종류에 따라서 상품의 배송이 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
      * 해운운송의 경우 착불이 적용이 되지 않으며, 기본 도선료 5,000원과 선박으로 이동한 거리에 따른 추가 요금이 발생 합니다. * 배송기간은 결제일 기준으로 영업일 2~5일(주말제외) 소요됩니다
      * 상품은 주말을 제외한 평일 오후 4시 이전 결제 완료시 당일 출고됩니다.

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